AI Movie Poster Generator

Generate a movie poster for your next film using AI. Just enter your movie title and logline, and the AI will generate a movie poster.

Film Noir
Science Fiction
The Quantum Heist Poster
Blackout Zone Poster
The Guardians Of The Ethereal Realm Poster
Gravitys Edge Poster
The Whispers Of Avalon Poster
Love In The Time Of Algorithms Poster
Oops I Shrunk The Internet Poster
The Syndicate Poster
Quantum Shift Poster
Melodys Monster Poster
Beyond The Event Horizon Poster
The Codebreakers Curse Poster
The Inheritance Poster
The Mnemonic Code Poster
The Whispering House Poster
Melodys Monster Poster
The Syndicate Poster
The Threadweavers Poster
The Whispers Of Avalon Poster
Quantum Shift Poster
The Celestial Realm Poster
Cyber Warrior Poster
Quantum Nomads Poster
Quantum Shift Poster
Pixels Big Adventure Poster
The Quantum Leap Poster
Pixels Big Adventure Poster
The Last Horizon Poster
The Quantum Heist Poster
Cyber Warrior Poster

Create Stunning Movie Posters in Seconds

Create stunning, professional-quality movie posters in seconds. Our free AI tool brings Hollywood-level visuals to filmmakers of all levels. Forget complex design software - simply enter your movie title, logline, and genre to generate captivating posters for any film instantly!

Generate Posters in Various Styles

The Movie Poster Generator can generate posters in various styles to match your vision. It works with movies, anime, cartoons, and more. Here's an example of how the same movie concept can be visualized in different styles:


The Whispers in the Woods

A group of college students embark on a camping trip in the remote wilderness, only to be haunted by the vengeful spirit of a local legend who was wrongfully accused of a gruesome murder, forcing them to confront their own dark secrets to survive the night.


realistic style poster

Photorealistic style with detailed textures and lighting, perfect for dramatic and intense movies.


anime style poster

Vibrant, stylized artwork inspired by Japanese animation, ideal for action-packed or fantastical stories.

3D Animation

3d style poster

Pixar-inspired poster style, perfect for family-friendly animated features.

2D Animation

cartoon style poster

Hand-drawn style posters with bold, colorful designs and exaggerated features, in the style of Disney or Pixar animated movies, ideal for animated comedies and family-friendly cartoons.

Generate Multiple Movie Posters & Pick the Best One

You can generate multiple movie posters variants and pick the best one. Explore different visual interpretations of your film concept and choose the perfect one that captures your vision.


The Sunken City of Zephyria

The Sunken City of Zephyria poster variant shn917
The Sunken City of Zephyria poster variant shn9fd
The Sunken City of Zephyria poster variant shn9fq
The Sunken City of Zephyria poster variant shn9j4
The Sunken City of Zephyria poster variant shhrzs
The Sunken City of Zephyria poster variant shnh9g

Need Inspiration? Generate Ideas for Your Next Movie

Stuck on coming up with a movie concept? Our AI Movie Idea Generator can help spark your creativity. It generates unique movie premises complete with titles, loglines, and genres. Get ideas for your next movie

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Melies: Your AI-Powered Filmmaking Studio

Melies is not just a movie poster generator - it's your complete AI-powered filmmaking studio. While our poster generator creates stunning visuals, Melies offers a full suite of tools for every stage of film production. From AI-assisted scriptwriting and storyboarding to character development, shot planning, and even AI-generated music and sound effects, Melies empowers filmmakers with cutting-edge technology. Whether you're creating movies, anime, cartoons, or any other visual media, Melies provides the tools to bring your vision to life from concept to final cut. Experience the future of filmmaking with Melies - where creativity meets artificial intelligence.